Table of contents
HTML and CSS are pretty easy to start, it is all about the designing website.
HTML [HyperText Markup Language], acts as a markup language that allows us to structure and organize content on the web. it uses tags (<p>,<title>,<h1>-<h6>,<img>) links(<a>),forms(<form>),table(<table>), images(<img>).
HTML is like a Skeleton , it structures the page and organize the page with some semantic(header,nav,main,aside,article,section,footer) and non semantic (div,span) elements . With help of Semantic Elements web Page Organize neatly and understandable to the readers.
web Forms: web Forms are used to interact with web page while logging and registering the website. In form(<form>) there are many <inputs> are there, like email (<input type="email">) there are many attributes and values are there.
Table(<table>): table is used to organize the contents in rows and columns. rowspan and colspan are used to group the columns and rows.
MultiMedia and embedding are made interesting in html , By adding some video(<video>) and audio(<audio>) in webpage. We can also add some controls to the video and audio to make even more interesting.
HTML alone doesn't make a webpage interactive or visually appealing. To add styling and interactivity, you would typically combine HTML with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript. CSS is used for applying styles, such as colors, fonts, and layouts, while JavaScript allows you to add dynamic behavior and functionality to your web page.
Learning HTML is an essential first step for any aspiring web developer. It forms the foundation upon which you can build your web development skills and create captivating and interactive web pages that engage users.
References For HTML
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to Design the website, and enhance the appearance of web pages. While HTML provides the structure and content of a webpage, CSS is responsible for the presentation and visual design.
With CSS properties we can control web page appearence. what do you mean by properties? Properties are like font-size, width, height, font-family, border-radius, border-radius ...etc.
There are 3 ways we can add css to HTML: 1. Inline 2. Internal 3. External
Inline: we can add the css inside the HTML tags , Example: <p style="color:blue">CSS</p> . This inline method is the least priority one.
Internal: we add the css inside the head tag For Example:
p {
background-color: black;
External: This is present outside the HTML file, created new file with .css extension. This Method is the most priority one and good practice. css file link the html by using link tag in head section
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/>
In css , there are selectors, display property, positioning, flexbox, grid.
Selectors: Select the html tags to give the css properties
display : inline, block, inline-block, flexbox, grid, none.
position: relative, absolute, fixed, static, sticky.
grid and flexbox gives the responsive web page.